The Holidays Are Finally Here

As A Young Adult, This May Be the First Time You’ve Been Home in A While
So, it’s weird not having your own space. And, it can be quite stressful to go home if you know you’ll get sucked into holiday drama. Or, you may be going through a tough time in life. You may not feel like fielding questions from well-meaning family members asking how you’re doing or why you’re still single. It could be that you’re navigating a complex work/life situation, finances, or many other factors. Regardless, you feel concerned about disappointing your family.
As young adult therapists, we know there are so many reasons why you may struggle during the holidays. But, it’s more common than you think. Many college students and young adults we work with express concerns like the ones above.
It’s normal for this time of year to cause you stress and anxiety. But, we don’t want it to get to the point where you can’t enjoy this time of year or dread its arrival. That’s why we want to offer you some tips to improve your mental health during the holidays!
Young Adult Tip #1: Consider Your Options
It can be so easy to get swept up in family drama or pressure from your loved ones during the holidays. When this happens, their expectations or demands often take center stage. Thus, upstaging your needs.
It’s understandable, but you have to realize that your needs are important too and you have options. You don’t have to comply or go along with everything others want/expect of you, especially now that you’re an adult.
Instead, Find A Middle Ground and Compromise

Young Adult Tip #2: Establish Boundaries
You may already know there’s going to be drama over the holidays. If so, it’s okay to draw boundaries to prevent yourself from getting sucked in or triggered. You may know your nosy aunt will be at thanksgiving asking you all kinds of questions that make you uncomfortable. If that’s the case, then draw some boundaries, my friend. Kindly let her know that her questions make you uncomfortable. You respect her and care about her, but if she keeps asking you’ll move to a different spot of the home.
One thing that’s very important to note, is that you have to follow through on the boundaries you set. So if your aunt keeps asking you questions or giving you a hard time, then you have to actually move away from her. I know it’s hard and uncomfortable to assert yourself, especially with your elders. But, it’s an important part of caring for your mental health. And, establishing respect in your relationship.
Young Adult Tip #3: Do Something That Brings You Joy
I know that it’s tough to find time for yourself, especially during the holiday season. After all, you likely have some time between work/school and personal obligations. To be honest, a lack of time is something you’ll likely be dealing with for a while. So, you must learn to focus on your mental health and do things that bring you joy amid the craziness.
It’s super important to note that you do not have to have hours of free time in your schedule. In fact, you only need a few minutes here and there to take some time for yourself and engage in self-care. It could be on your way to work, during your lunch hour, or before you go to bed. Whatever works best for you!
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Other Services Offered With Wellview Counseling
Young Adult Therapy isn’t the only service offered at our Roswell, GA-based practice. Other mental health services provided include anxiety treatment, depression counseling, trauma and PTSD treatment, chronic illness counseling, and therapy for postpartum anxiety and depression. Our team also offers child counseling and play therapy, individual counseling, teen counseling, and family counseling. Contact us to learn more about our social groups for kids, and online therapy services! Or, visit our blog today!