Job hunting is difficult during the best of times. Amid a global pandemic and what the news calls ‘The Great Resignation’ it is especially hard. How do you navigate life transitions in finding a new position in today’s job market? More importantly, how do you maintain your mental health? Especially as you receive what seems to be constant rejection?
As a life transitions therapist in Roswell, GA, I get it. The constant letdown of job hunting can take a toll on your emotional wellbeing. You may have laid off or chosen to move on. Regardless, applying, interviewing, and the inevitable rejection are difficult. I help clients work through this life transition in a successful way. Keep reading to see my top 5 tips on how to maintain your mental health while job hunting during Covid-19.
The Great Resignation
The Covid-19 pandemic has altered the way we work, likely forever. This has led to millions of workers resigning, some of who don’t even have a new opportunity lined up. The news is calling this ‘The Great Resignation.’. This name makes sense, but I see it as more of a collective boundary setting. We have realized what our priorities are as we have navigated a global pandemic. Workers who have been working from home are hesitant to return to the office. These may be due to safety concerns or not wanting to be confined to an office and a commute every day.
5 Ways to Take Care of Your Mental Health While Job Hunting During COVID-19
As a Roswell, GA therapist, I know that finding a new job can be difficult. You may have already left your previous role or are looking for what’s next. No matter the case, job hunting is strenuous. It’s easy to let it become all-encompassing and not take time to take care of yourself. But, here are five tips for taking care of your mental health while job hunting.
Schedule Your Time and Follow the Schedule
When we don’t have some sort of structure, it’s easy to spend our time doing things we don’t need to do. We can also get caught up in productive procrastination. Productive procrastination is when we spend time getting things done. But, not the things we most NEED to do. I find it helps a lot to set a schedule for yourself and then actually follow the schedule. This ensures you are spending time job hunting when you need to and are cleaning when you need to.
Be sure not to simply fill your days with work (yes, job hunting is work!). Schedule some self-care time as well. Self-care can look so many different ways. This may include the stereotypical bubble bath and chocolate, or it can even be a walk. Your cleaning time may BE self-care! When scheduling self-care time, schedule some white space too. We often feel like we have to fill our schedule with things to do. But, we can instead fill it with some blank space to relax, decompress, and chill. You don’t have to be “productive” all the time!
Take Care of Your Physical Health
It is easy to sit at the computer all day and apply for an endless stream of jobs. But, it is important to take care of your physical health as well. Your physical health has a direct relation to your mood. So, small things like taking a walk and doing some yoga will help you stay in a healthy mindset as you apply for jobs!
Going for a walk does more than only give you time to breathe deeply and simply be. It can be a powerful way to practice mindfulness! What do you hear? How does the ground feel beneath your feet? These moments of mindfulness can go a long way to help you feel confident and grounded in your job search!
Set Healthy Boundaries on How Much You Talk/Think About the Job Hunt
It is so easy to become obsessive with your job hunt. You may find yourself checking your email nonstop. Or, panicking every time your phone rings because it might finally be that call back you’re waiting for. In many cases, you might be feeling the stress of the job hunt to an unhealthy level. Job hunting can be all-consuming, and the anxiety and anticipation that comes when steps are out of your control can be overwhelming.
Take time to relax and hang out with your friends. If you are still working full time, chances are you are spending all your time between work and the job hunt. Give yourself permission to take the evening off and spend time with people you love. Sometimes giving yourself space helps you reset and be more effective in moving forward.
Ask For What You Need
First of all, we all have needs. When we are job hunting, some of them are more front and center. Take some time to reflect on what you need right now from the people you love. Write down where you feel like you could be supported, and then ask for that support. The people in your life who love and care about you want to be there for you, and often simply don’t know what you need. Also the old adage “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” often turns out to be more true than we want it to be. Let friends and family know you are looking for the next right thing! You never know who might send you a dreamy job opening!
Remind Yourself How Awesome You Are, or Have Friends Help
Oof. Another rejection email. There are few things more disheartening than receiving what seems like a constant barrage of rejection when you are job hunting. Having a positive mindset goes a long way in keeping you in a healthy headspace. Take some time to remind yourself that you are AMAZING and are doing awesome things. Being rejected for a job doesn’t’ mean you aren’t good enough or couldn’t do the job well. It means it wasn’t the right job for you right now!
Begin Life Transitions Therapy at Wellview Counseling
You may find yourself checking your email non-stop or diving into a negative headspace. If so, it might be time to consider life transitions therapy at Wellview Counseling in Roswell, GA. Working with a licensed therapist can help you navigate the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with job hunting. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
- Contact Wellview Counseling
- Meet with a caring therapist
- Start receiving support in your job search